Manuji Capabilities
Screen Capture
Process List
This list contains all the process including system
process. This information is the starting point of any performance
improvement process. This will help to identify resource consumptions for
each process. Manuji has the capability of monitor said resource consumptions
as a whole/device prospective or individual process prospective.
CPU logs
Extract detail CPU logs for bottleneck Analysis. These
logs contain
Time stamp
PID - Process ID
CPU %,
VSS %,
Thread Count
Thread State (R, S)
User ID responsible for process
Application run status (Foreground, background, System,
Terminated, Hold, etc.)
Application responsible for the process
Sandboxing details.
These information’s are the key fine-tuning factors of
any mobile application.
Manuji can extract these information into any format.
E.g. Excel, Text, etc. This facility allows end users to do further
analysis witch sometimes they need customized charting.
CPU % with VSS(%) and RSS (%)
This information is useful to understand how much
each process consumes CPU.
Also its give VSS and RSS usage as a percentage which
helps us to understand health of the mobile device for that particular time.
virtual set size (VSS) indicates how much virtual
memory is associated with the process.
Resident set size (RSS) Resident Set Size indicates how
many physical pages are associated with the process.
By clicking any place of the graph video viewer will
show the snapshot of the mobile screen. In this scenario you can see when 20%
of CPU usage was holding approximately for 20 seconds and that time
system is processing a chart in the background and process indicator start
circling and screen rendering is on hold.
Graph X Axis is the to time in seconds, which means how
many seconds it has been executed form the start. and Y Axis is the
utilization as percentage
Memory State
Provide physical memory (RAM) associated with the
device and current memory state before test start. This is important for the
user to understand current state is suitable for his test or he many needs to
readjust the device to suite his test.
This console has following
Total/Physical memory in KB. This is actual size of the RAM
witch installed in your device.
Free memory as of now in KB
Current free proportional set size (PSS) in KB
Current free Cache in KB
Actual memory utilization as of now in KB
Current proportional set size (PSS) utilization in KB
Current buffer utilization in KB
Symmetric Hierarchical Memory access (SHMEM)
Slab allocation (memory allocation of kernel objects)
Memory usage graph with video capture
This graph shows actual memory usage for the selected
process in KB.
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = KB
By clicking any place in the graph video viewer will
show the snapshot of the mobile screen.
In this scenario Highlighted memory peak was due to
continues process and process indicator start circling and screen rendering
is on hold.
Process memory usage with physical memory
This graph shoes even above scenario has a peak usage,
but with available 2GB RAM can manage the peak.
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = KB
This graph is useful for none technical people to
determine whether this memory pattern is actually a symptom of a NFR defect
or not.
Memory Logs
Manuji has the ability to extract memory logs which
contains following. Manuji can extract these information into any format.
E.g. Excel, Text, etc.
2. Memory
usage in KB
3. Process
GPU Draw Time Analysis Graph
GPU Draw Time is, Actual time spent on building display
lists. It indicates how much time is spent running methods such as
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = Draw Time
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
GPU Process Time Analysis Graph
GPU Process Time is the actual time spent by renderer
to execute the display lists. The more Views in your hierarchy, the more
drawing commands must be executed.
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = Process Time
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
GPU Execute Time Analysis Graph
GPU Execute Time is the time it took to send a frame to
the compositor.
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = Execute Time
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
GPU Analysis Graph as a whole
This graph has the combine view of GPU Draw, Process
and Execute times.
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
GPU Logs
Manuji has the ability to extract GPU logs which
contains following. Manuji can extract these information into any format.
E.g. Excel, Text, etc.
1. Time stamp
2. Application
3. Draw
4. Process
5. Execute
View wise Rendering Analysis
No of Views used for current UI
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = View Count
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Frame wise Rendering Analysis
No of frames used for current UI
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = Frame Count
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Display list size Analysis
Display list size in KB for current UI
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = Display List Size in KB
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Rendering Logs
Manuji has the ability to extract Rendering logs which
contains following. Manuji can extract these information into any format.
E.g. Excel, Text, etc.
1. Timestamp
2. Application
3. Frames
4. Process
Display List size (KB)
5. Execute
Battery Voltage Analysis Graph
Battery voltage utilization in (mA).
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = voltage utilization in (mA).
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Battery Temperature Analysis Graph
Battery temperature with time
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = temperature.
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Battery Level Analysis Graph
Battery Level with time
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = Battery Level
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Energy Logs
Manuji has the ability to extract energy logs
which contains following. Manuji can extract these information into any
format. E.g. Excel, Text, etc.
1. Timestamp
2. Health
3. Level
4. Voltage
5. Temperature
Network Packet Analysis
Network picket analysis with the time.
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = No of pickets
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Network Bytes Analysis
Network bytes analysis with the time.
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = bytes
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time.
Network Errors and retry
Network Error analysis with the time.
X Axis = Time
Y Axis = Error count
This graph is also linked with video viewer and user
can click any part of the graph to see actual screen snapshot of that time
Network Logs
Manuji has the ability to extract network logs. Manuji can extract these information into any
format. E.g. Excel, Text, etc.