Thursday, 7 January 2016

Senuji Keyword Library

Keyword Library for Senuji Version 003.004

Senuji Basic Keyword Syntax:  Keyword[Space]"Value"[Space]"Object"

AlertAccept is used to accept alert.  AlertAccept can accept one alert at a time. 


AlertDismiss is used to dismiss an alert. AlertDismiss can dismiss one alert at a time. 


AlertGetText is used to read text from an alert and validate it with expected result. AlertGetText can work with one alert at a time.  
AlertGetText[Space]"Expected Result"

AlertGetText "Test Alert"

BrowserPosition used Position the Location of Running Browser.
 You can use value text box to key in x and y by separating them using coma

BrowserPosition[Space]"x coordinates,y coordinates"

BrowserPosition "100,100"
CaptureScreen is used to take screen shots while text execution.
 Screen shots will be saved in your  ..\Default\ScreenShots folder.
 Screen shot file name is a combination of the date and time.
ClearTextBoxValue is used to clear a textbox or text aria in a web page. 
ClearTextBoxValue can clear one object at a time.
 ClearTextBoxValue requires the target object or the locator to identify the test box and type of the locator you use. 
You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.
ClearTextBoxValue [Space]<”null”>[Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

ClearTextBoxValue "null" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

Click is used to click an object in a web page.
 Click can click one object at a time.
 Click requires the target object or the locator to identify the object and type of the locator you used.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.

Click [Space]"null"[Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

Click "null" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

CloseBrowser is used to close the active browser.



DataInput is used to read data from csv file and input to a textbox or text aria in a web page.
 DataInput can input values for one object at a time.
 DataInput requires the target object or the locator to identify the test box and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.
DataInput [Space]<"Data Field Sequence ID"> [Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

DataInput "1" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

DeselectAll is used to de select items form list box or from combo box 
  DeselectAll can work with one list at a time. 

DeselectAll "null" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

DisplayCurrentUrl is used to log current URL on the browser
  DisplayCurrentUrl can log one URL at a time. 


DisplayPageTitle is used to log current page title
  DisplayPageTitle can log one title at a time. 


EndLoop is used mark end of the Loop



EnterText is used to input a static keyboard input to a textbox or text aria in a web page.
  EnterText can input values for one object at a time. 
EnterText requires the target object or the locator to identify the test box and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.
EnterText [Space]<"input value"> [Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

EnterText "I like Senuji" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

InputNumberVariableToTextbox is used to move number variable value to text box 
  InputNumberVariableToTextbox can work with one test box at a time. 
You must define the variable using VariableNumber keyword and number varible should read the value from the object using StoreNumberToVariable keyword.
 Length of the variable is not limited but you cant have spaces in-between.
InputNumberVariableToTextbox[Space]"$Varible_Name"[Space]"Object or Locator"
InputNumberVariableToTextbox "$PageID" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

Open ""
VariableNumber "$ABC=0"
StoreNumberToVariable "$ABC" "Xpath:.//*[@id='answer-9963574']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/div/span[1]"
InputStringVariableToTextbox "$ABC" "Xpath:.//*[@id='fsr']/a[1]"
InputStringVariableToTextbox is used to move string variable value to text box 
  InputStringVariableToTextbox can work with one test box at a time. 
You must define the variable using VariableString keyword and String varible should read the value
 from the object using StoreStringToVariable keyword.
 Length of the variable is not limited but you cant have spaces in-between.
InputStringVariableToTextbox[Space]"$Varible_Name"[Space]"Object or Locator"
InputStringVariableToTextbox "$PageTitle" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

Open ""
VariableSring "$ABC="
StoreStringToVariable "$ABC" "ID:_eEe"
InputStringVariableToTextbox "$ABC" "ID:.//*[@id='lst-ib']"
LogMessageToConsole is used to log a message during test run in Senuji Console
LogMessageToConsole can display one message at a time. 
LogMessageToConsole [Space]<"Message"> 

LogMessageToConsole "Test Execution Started"

Loop is used to scan a ";" delimited csv file witch can use to hold data as input to a test.
 Loop will iterate all the statements until it find EndLoop. 
You can use any amount of loops with in the script but loop with a loop is not possible.
CSV file has to be placed inside ..\Default\Data folder

Loop[Space]"csv File Name"

Loop "Test.cvs"
Sample Data table
"Gayan Perera";"20"
"Nirosan Bandara";"22"
"Erandika umal hungampola";"30"

MaximizeBrowseris used Maximize Running Browser


MoveSlider is used to move or change value of a Slider object
  MoveSlider can be used on one Slider at a time. 
MoveSlider requires the target object or the locator to identify the Slider and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type
MoveSlider [Space]<"Value for Slider to select"> [Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

MoveSlider "40" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

NavigateURL is used to navigate to URL from active web page 
NavigateURL can work with one URL at a time. 
NavigateURL "" "null"
NavigateBack is used to perfrom browser back button 
NavigateBack "null" "null"
NavigateForward is used to perfrom browser forward button 
NavigateForward "null" "null"
ObjectSelected is used to check if given object is selected or not. If selected test will be passed.
 ObjectSelected can check one object at a time.
 ObjectSelected requires the target object or the locator to identify the object and type of the locator you used.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.
ObjectSelected is useful objects such as Checkbox
ObjectSelected [Space]"null"[Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

ObjectSelected "null" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

Open is used to call the browser and open a specific URL.
 Open keyword will create a new instant of a browser. 


Open " "

ResizeBrowser used Resize Running Browser.
You can use value text box to key in Height and Width by separating them using coma


ResizeBrowser "100,100"

SelectByIndex is used to select Combo Box or list Box item using object index
  SelectByIndex can select one item at a time. 
SelectByIndex requires the target object or the locator to identify the Menu Item , Combo box or list Box and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdwn to select corresponding locator type.

SelectByIndex [Space]<"Index or ID"> [Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

SelectByVisibleTextKey "2" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

SelectByVisibleTextKey is used to select Combo Box or List Box item using visible text
  SelectByVisibleTextKey can select one item at a time. 
SelectByVisibleTextKey requires the target object or the locator to identify the Menu Item , Combo box or List Box and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.

SelectByVisibleTextKey [Space]<"Text value you need to select"> [Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

SelectByVisibleTextKey "Senuji" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"
StoreNmberToVariable is used store number object value to number variable 
 StoreNmberToVariable can work with one object at a time. Variable Name can be any alpha numeric string without special chars.
 Length of the variable is not limited but you cant have spaces in-between.
 You must define the variable using VariableNumber keyword

VariableNumber[Space]"$Varible_Name=initial value"[Space]"Object or Locator"

VariableNumber "$ExpectedPageNO" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

StoreStringToVariable is used store string object value to string variable 
  StoreStringToVariable can work with one object at a time. Variable Name can be any alpha numeric string with out special chars.
 Length of the variable is not limited but you cant have spaces in-between.
 You must define the variable using VariableSring keyword

VariableNumber[Space]"$Varible_Name=initial value"[Space]"Object or Locator"

VariableNumber "$ExpectedPageTitle" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

Submit is used to perform submit action on a web form 
Submit requires the target object or the locator.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.
Submit "null"Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"
ValidateObjactValue is used to search a static value in object/target.
  ValidateObjactValue can search values for one object at a time. 
ValidateObjactValue requires the target object or the locator to identify the object and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.

ValidateObjactValue [Space]<"Search value"> [Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

ValidateObjactValue "I like Senuji" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"
VariableNumber is used create numaric variable 
  VariableNumber can work with one variable at a time. Variable Name can be any alpha numeric string without special chars.
 Length of the varible is not limited but you cant have spaces in-between.
 You must provide initial value for the variable
VariableNumber[Space]"$Varible_Name=initial value"[Space]"null"

VariableNumber "$ExpectedPageNO=10" "null"

VariableSring is used create String variable 
  VariableSring can work with one variable at a time. Variable Name can be any alpha numeric string without special chars.
 Length of the variable is not limited but you cant have spaces in between.
 You must provide initial value for the varible

VariableSring[Space]"$Varible_Name=initial value"[Space]"null"

VariableSring "$ExpectedPageTitle=My Page Title" "null"

VerifyTxtBoxValue is used to read value form textbox and verify with expected value
  VerifyTxtBoxValue can search values for one textbox at a time. 
ValidateObjactValue requires the target object or the locator to identify the test box and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.

VerifyTxtBoxValue [Space]<"Search value"> [Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

VerifyTxtBoxValue "I like Senuji" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"

Pause process

Wait[Space]"<Wait Time in ms"

Wait "3000"

WaitForElementPresent is used to check for an object in a web page.
 WaitForElementPresent can validate one object at a time.
 WaitForElementPresent requires the target object or the locator to identify the test box and type of the locator you use.
 You can use select locator dropdown to select corresponding locator type.

WaitForElementPresent [Space]"null"[Space]"<Locator Type><:><Object>"

WaitForElementPresent "nill" "Xpath://*[@id='lst-ib']"